Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bare-naked Heart

Just now home from cath. lab [catheterization lab]
And so confused since class ended earlier than it should be.
It's cardiology unit dude.
And one doesn't easily going back home early from Internal Medicine clinical round.

Well, what to do, profs all busy for the next week annual conference meeting.
We can't say much to that. T_T

But I'm so lucky for just in this week able to listen to pistol shot due to aortic regurge.
Systolic click from the prosthetic valve.
And feeling water hammer pulse. XD

Always confuse water hammer pulse with bounding pulse. -_-
Better look up back on definitions. =,=''

But just for the cath. case files,
Being in the cath. lab,
In front of the theatre like I used to see in House M.D xD
The difference is that I didn't see one like in the cath. lab.
And the machine they coordinate?

Just now wondering whether he's a technician or physicians.
Guessed he's a technician then.

Today's making me more and more into cardiac specialty.
Just that I have to study MORE and A LOT
And decide whether it is
Surgeon or Internist I'm going to pursue.

That's the thought currently but I can't deny my neediness of ObGyn yet.
Well, there's plenty of time to think. :P
I'll keep taste all the tester they give while considering which flavor I prefer and if I can accommodate living with it while being a wonderful wife as a physician. :P 

| Cardiothoracic Specialty is still amazing. I love my heart. |

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