Tuesday, May 27, 2014

the story of yuna, me and sae

When you was young and innocent, nicknames are the coolest thing you can have or make for your own especially when using as net name or ign.

I was a kid too. Back at my age, I do create one. Few maybe. But I stick to one mostly.
I love Yuna from Final Fantasy X that I start to learn every single details about her. It's funny back then I did make a print copy of her details. Such stalker. Haha.
Love her to the point that my Friendster account when I was active also named as Yuna Ice.
And my parents know pretty well of my Yuna Ice. ._.
Yuna Ice is my variety of name. The Ice makes it sounds cool. Yunalesca is too classic.
The big and lots of reason behind why I like Yuna so much? I think I'm not gonna put through this entry since it will take up lots of my time to type. xD

Just simply put.
I adore her.
Besides her hair, job and her heterochromia eyes which looks so cool! xD
Exclusively to Yuna of course. :P
Yuna the High Summoner :3

And the sequel; Final Fantasy X-2 also I adore. XD
As long as it is about her, I get to learn. ;3

But when I start playing games few years ago, I stop using Yuna as my net name since she is well known and fasho people randomly use her name. 
And so I came up with lots of names but few of exclusively of use.

The one I like to share here as entitled to this entry; Sae

Sae Kurosawa


Very beautiful yet set story of Final Boss of
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly

I'd known of Fatal Frame Series from Xtreme.fm kot eja camna tah.
From radio fm I think focusing on teenagers.
They're talking of top ten games on what platform I dunno.
But that's where I heard you can kill ghost with a camera. ;3
Camera Obscura per se. ;3
PS2 maybe since FF is.. I mean Fatal Frame not Final Fantasy =,=''
If got mixed between both usually since I love using shorthand. =,=''
People got mixed up abt it when I talked of them. (-_,-)
So back to topic.
And also I'd read about Fatal Frame too on GempakStarz
My long time favourite magazine XD
Right when I dunno much and use much of the internet, GempakStarz gives you a lot of info in advance just like in the net comparing to what comes to Malaysia, TVs, radios and news regarding the outside world.
I'm the proud fan of the mag. XD
Kipas-susah-mati. ;3

So when we get PlayStation 2 I rushed myself on finding Fatal Frame Series.
My siblings aka Piranha all knew about my hardcore dream of having the game.
We first have The FF2 out of all series since that's the one we get to buy and the most I want of since I read on GempakStarz. ;3 
And it's even the most favorable one out of the whole series. ;3

And yeah. Sae Kurosawa has been the name since then. ;3
Not much people know of it I think.
So not everyone is into it using my SaeKurosawa name. ;3
Haha. xD

Being me, I love to make a research especially in detail of things I love. Till I'm exhausted. So I know a lot of Yuna of FFX and Sae Kurosawa of FF2
Even of most trivia about them.
You'll find it a lot worth while when you understand a tiny little detail the producer put on the production which no one cares to take into consideration. That's what makes it super cool about things you like. ;3

So if you came across any Sae related name especially Sae Kurosawa, it might be me if not someone else. 
Who knows? ;3

I love medicine trust me. T_T It's just that I'm into games to since young. T_T

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