Saturday, May 24, 2014

If what you desire does not happen, then desire that which does.

as most people out there
also has a gloomy day once or two
but never do I felt suffered as much as about
loving someone.

But as the rain heavily poured
There's always rainbow at the end you can enjoy
Unless the sun is down lol

Open your heart up to someone
Give them a little cozy space there for them
Letting your guard down
But in the end things fall apart
Impressive huh?

They love to feed your feelings
With too many sweets
And the you become diabetics
They killed your pancreas
And then you get hypoglycemic
The problem is more grave
Because you fall into
Hypoglycemic unawareness

I'm stabilized much more now
Just that sometimes you crave a lot of sweets
Just sometimes
I might miss the sweet
But not from where it comes
Heh (-_,-)

And so
Here's the share of what I've read
Related to the title in this entry
And making me more pinky in the mood :P

''..the world is not always as we wish it to be, and this happens frequently in our lives.''
''So long as you are bound to this situation, just continue to enjoy your life.''

''So what's the solution? If what you desire does not happen, then desire that which has happened. The intelligent person is the one who readjusts himself in accordance with his situation, however it may be, seeing as he is not able to change it for the better.''

''Yes, you live your life as there is no time to grieve. Deal with what you have in front of you.''

''One can only be generous with what he actually has.''

''Not everything a man desires he achieves. Often the winds blow in unfavorable directions for the ships.''

So what?
Live life like there's no tomorrow.
Painful? Enjoy it.
Happy? Enjoy it.
In this dunya nothing is permanent.
Everything is temporary.
So enjoy it while you still can.
Pain also is a pleasure.

Ibu said just enjoy it. There's always a purpose behind everythings that happened.
Abah said? There's a good behind everything. It's either we see it or we haven't. Susah susah sangat cari lain jer. HAH Cari lain. lol. yelah kan kumbang bukan sekoq. Bersepah terbang sana sini sebok nak menguntum.
Takpe, sini cream of cream but bukan sume available. Maybe suasana dy lain kot. Sikit lagi je balik mesia. I'll have bird's eye view by then. xD 

Doctor hado Engineer hado Pilot hado Businessman pun hado
Pilih kau pilih xDD

Rezeki tu satu dari tiga rahsia Allah.
Tiga kan? @_@
xigt lol

Your homework?
Define rezeki.


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