Tuesday, April 6, 2010


haha, now it reminds me that, after all of things, i mean specialty, i want to be in, i've been taking internal medicine in considerations too ^~^ it looks hell fun and challenging. anyway, it's just a consideration, i think i'll still be sticking with what specialty i want previously. and maybe someday, after been exposing with all sorts of department, i might take everything in consideration again. well, like the says, ''tak kenal maka tak cinta'', i guess exposing myself to all department is a good way of making a better decision.

haha, it's still far few years and i still think of the future. well, planning is good, it's a good think to plan and decide something well before it happens, the earlier the better. but not all things we plan might go on as well, haha, guess i should keep that in mind though.

well, hippocratic oath sounds a good thing to post on. so, i'll put the text here. it might be the real or the edited one because i earn it by swimming in the sea of net. but one day, when that time eventually come, i will know for sure what the oath is written about.


I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

''this is the modern ver. ,well, it says so''

''and that's why i love ethics''
''medical ethics''

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