Thursday, March 10, 2011



Ulatbulu jadi kepompong
Dia tinggal dalam kelongsong
Sampai masa, ‘POM!’
Jadi rama-rama yang indah
Rama-rama sayapnya indah
Sungguh cantik aneka warna
Isap madu di pokok bunga
Tapi sayang hidup tak lama.

Okay. Entry ni start with the song entitled ‘Kepompong’ if it’s not “Rama-rama’.

Okay. The song as you can clearly u/stood, is abt butterfly and few stories of it’s life. The song is kinda sad actually but it’s quite nice even if Ibrahim sang it in a way that I’m suspicous abt the tone. :P

So, since egypt doing it’s protest, I’m lucky to be flewn back to malaysia. Okay, now it’s time to go home and schooling. And it’s making me sick. Homesick. Haha. I’m in 3rd yr but still can’t get enough being homesick. Lol.

Looks like rama-rama need to go on advent after being for a month back in kepompong. Owh, how I will miss this kepompong very much, only Allah knows.

Well, I’m trying to prepare hardly for the next few days to fly back. Wish me a safe journey and everyday full of love and spirits. Smile.

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