Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just sharing currently.

Dehel. Must setting the mobile view.
Sadly iOS not supported though. Wtv.

Here's some to share about.
My sweet TL I thought of making.

My housemenship TL.
Daftar spa 23.12.2014
Daftar mmc/econversion/lapor diri mara 29.12.2014
Mara akan bg surat dlm tempoh bam bulan ke staun dan bg tempoh bayar blk setahun dr start kerja.
Call spa booking iv 5.1.2015
Daftar kkm 6.1.2015
Posting placement.
1. Htjs
2. Hkl
3. H serdang
Spa call saya. 16.1.2015
Pre HO course 22-24.1.2015
Interview spa 28.1.2015
Medical check up 6.2.2015
eHO and placement. HKL. 16.3.2015
Tarikh berkhidmat. 13.4.2015
PTM official letter???
PTM ???
Well it's not finish yet but my eagerness is overwhelming. 

Got placement yeay!!


After the long awaiting I finally got my answer for placement. 

Soon to be Key El people man. 

Can't wait with the thrill gushing in veins. 

Regardless, I'll start posting back little by little whenever possible. 
Just to share the thoughts and nerve wrecking and any shitty stuff or day to day scraps and moments. 

I'm kinda motivated since iPhone. ;3

So here we go.